Updated January 2025
If you’ve been through all the free SQE1 questions and feel like you’d like some extra practice, you may want to consider paying for more MCQs. In this short article, I’ve written about places to find additional practice questions (for a price).
Note that this article does not include the more extensive (and expensive) prep-course offerings. Some of the options below include books or webinars, along with sample questions, but they’re not packages offering intensive instruction.
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Where to Find More SQE Practice Questions
There are not many places offering affordable access to MCQs alone, but here are a few possibilities:
- SQE-Style Mock Exam | For Self-Study from us! (aka. Lawyer in London) – This is a cheeky plug for the brand new FLK1-style mock from yours truly! It contains 90 single-best-answer questions, in the style of SQE1, and is available on desktop and mobile. There’s an online timer and you can bookmark MCQs as you go. Answers and explanations are also provided. You can find the test here.
What’s it like? The mock aims to mirror (as far as is possible) the format and substance of real SQE1 questions. This means, for example, that all the questions are single-best-answer (and that more than one response may be technically correct)!
We’ve had some early feedback, saying that the mock tough. The goal is not for the questions to be unduly niche or tricky (this would not be helpful to anyone)! Rather, all the questions are, again, designed to be as similar to actual SQE questions as possible (and SQE1 is pretty tough!)
This mock takes the single-best-answer format seriously – requiring you to read carefully(!) and separate good responses from better, more complete, responses. (I believe this reflects the actual exam, where candidates report that the 5-suggested answers appear as different “shades of grey,” or that the examiners seemed to be “splitting hairs”).
I also wanted this mock to reflect the fact that the SRA’s SQE1 assessment specification is very broad (and everything within the spec is examinable). This means that not every question in the actual SQE1 will ask about run-of-the-mill concepts like contract breach, duty of care or Part 36 offers. Are breaches of contract and Part 36 offers important topics to know? Of course. Will they show up in your actual exam? Most likely. (They appear in this mock too!) However, it would be a mistake to think that only basic / big / 1L topics will be tested in SQE1, or that the actual SQE only tests “general-ish” concepts. Kaplan SQE (who administers the SQE ) can – and does! – ask questions from all parts of the vast SQE1 assessment spec. I’ve tried to craft this self-study mock in a similar way.
- FLK1 & FLK2 Practice Assessments from Revise SQE* – From the publishers of the Revise SQE texts come 2 books of SQE1 practice questions. Each book has 180 SQE1-style questions and answers (one covers FLK1 and the other FLK2). They also contain advice on approaching the exams and what to expect on test day. Both are available in print and as eBooks. You can find the FLK1 Practice Assessment here on the Revise SQE website & here on Amazon, and the FLK2 Practice Assessment here on the Revise SQE website & here on Amazon.
Revise SQE’s Book Bundles – You can save some money if you buy the FLK1 and FLK2 mocks together. You can buy the paperback bundle here and the eBook bundle here.
You can also try these same practice tests online – via a platform simulating exam-day conditions. (Revise SQE has recently partnered with Law Drills (aka Practice Works) and made their books of questions available on Law Drills’ platform). You can find the online mocks here and can get 10% off by using the code SQESELFSTUDY at checkout.
- SQE1 Mocks from FQPS Academy Ltd. (FQPS)* – In addition to its SQE1-training packages this growing European company also offers SQE1 mocks for individual purchase. Each mock contains a full FLK1 & FLK2 assessment (with explanations), and they can be purchased in sets of one, three or five. FQPS’ mocks are available online and can be found under the ‘Mocks & Tutors’ tab on their Pricing page.
- SQE1 FLK 1 & 2 – Practice Test by David Sinclair* – This mock exam is available through Udemy. (For the unfamiliar, Udemy is an online course provider that offers classes in everything under the sun. There are about 70,000 instructors on the platform and 200,000 courses. If there’s something you’d like to learn about, you can usually find it on Udemy). The practice exam includes 50 questions for FLK1 and another 50 for FLK2. Access is unlimited. You can purchase the prep test here: SQE1 FLK 1 & 2 – Practice Test.
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If you’ve tried out any of the above, please share your thoughts in the comments. Let me know if you found them useful.
Lawyer in London
I’m of two minds to choosing Qlts institution or college of legal practice as a provider of sqe1 self-study course. can anyone help me with this, please
I’m with COLP and don’t recommend it. the materials aren’t detailed enough and so far questions too easy. I’m using it as a starting point, relying mostly on UOL books and MCQs from various sources. if I relied on COLP alone I don’t think I’d pass.